"So what brings you into town?" I ask bendy as he begins to blush darker. "Bor-bor!!" He said hugging his best friend as boris returned the hug. Mugs looks at the wolf across the street and runs over to him. I then see mugman coming my way and smile. I admit he has gotten so much cuter since I moved. "o-oh nothing really.just been here!" I said hesitently watching bendy smile ad talk about what he has been up to. "Yeah so have you been It's been ages since I last saw you." He said with a light blush making me notice. "In the flesh.wow you've grown little man" I joked as he lightly pushed me. "Cuphead?" I looked to see my crush standing infront of me and smiled. I waited for my brother mugs at the gate of the school when i heard a familiar voice. (Future when Cup is 20 and Bendy is 19 also te cupbros moved when bendy turned 10 The three of them went home and I already missed my new friend.

We play for the rest of the time being until it got dark.

Cuphead then comes over to me and kisses the bandages chanting the pain removal song. Cuphead comes inside and stares at me for a few minutes as my father sets me back on the ground. "Bendy c'mere." I get up from the ground and walk over to him. Henry bendy is crying! he fell on some rocks and is bleeding." He yells making my father come outside to see me crying. He takes a good look at me and gets my fater. I feel my eyes well up with tears as my face starts to bleed. he soon chased after me until I fell over a pile of rocks and scrapped my knee and cheek. I tagged cuphead and ran as fast as my little legs could take me. Cuphead then looks at me while as grabs the younger two and stared at us. "Hi there I'm cuphead and the baby holding your brother hostage is my brother Mugman." Cup said polietly as my sister faked a smile. "Fine but you owe me." She commented as we head back downstairs. And we need someone to watch boris and his new pal." I ask my older sister who I can hear sighing and got up and out of the room. "hey Alice can you come downstairs real quick we have guests over. I walked up the stairs to Alice's room and knocked on the door. "Yeah hold on! I get my sister to watch them." I said leaving the three of them that way I can go get my sister. "Seems he likes boris." Cuphead as set the mugs down so he can play with boris. "Puppy!" Mugs grabs my brother and hugs him. "Hewwo!" he says happily and stares at Cups brother. "Say hi bor-bor" He looks at the two cups and smile. "Boris c'mere!" I say to my toddler who comes inside and lets me pick him up. Bendy looks at his brother and grabs him. "Puppy!" Mugs yells looking at the little wolf in the back yard. your brothers kinda handsy *laughs a little*" He laughs as mugs start laughing. "I'm sorry! are you okay." Bendy was rubbing his tail while wiping his eyes. "No bad muggy you can't play with dat!" I grab my brothers hands and lightly tap them. "How about tag!" He said while mugs grabbed his tail, making bendy yelp. "Waddya wanna play?" I ask while mugs was giggling ad trying to grab bendy's tail. "Bendy do you wanna play?" Henry asks as his child nods.Įlder kettle set me down as I grab mugman and follow bendy.

"Grandpa can we play with bendy?" I ask and he asks henry if we can. "I'm Henry and this little guy is bendy." he shook my grandfathers hand as I stared at bendy. These are my grandsons Cuphead and Mugman!." My grandfather says to the man who smiles and picks up his child.

"Hello there were your neighbors I just wanted to welcome you to Inkwell Island. "Hello?" The little demon said as another came to the door. we waited a few minutes until the door opened and we say a little demon standing infront of us. "Okay okay!" I said excitedly as Elder kettle knocked on the door. "We have some new neighbors moving in and I wanted you two to meet them." My grandfather said as my eyes start to gleam in excitement and my baby mugs giggled. "What is it grandpa?" I ask he takes mugs and walks over next door to the house. "okay!" I pick up my brother who was playing in dirt and headed out front. "Cup my boy can you and your brother come here for a second. I was currently playing with my younger brother in our back yard when I heard our grandfather call my name.